Unicon provides the icons:preload to preload all icons on deployment.

php artisan icons:preload

While Unicon will hapilly fetch icons on-demand, this command will ensure that even the first render of an icon will be as fast as possible, because they will be pulled from the cache instead of the Iconify API.


This command performs a recursive regex search on all the Blade files in your application (excluding node_modules and vendor). This means that only icons that are statically defined will be detected.

Will be found ✅Will not be found ❌
<x-icon name="noto:unicorn" /><x-icon name="{{ $icon }}" />
<x-icon name="heroicons:clock" /><x-icon :name="$name" />

Icons whose name is dynamically defined will have to be fetched on-demand the very first time they are rendered, and subsequent renders will be cached all the same.